honestly it smelled like DKNY.
This is the journal of one and a half years of tears, joy, laughter and CRAPPINESS..... all in one class.
Our lecturer, according to BB6 is.....................................................................
Oh well, he's not THAT bad. He's kind with marks, right?
Since we've been through it, we can go through it again....
OH YEA...!!!!! People will always remember PM12 from now on.
We're infamous!!!
I would just like to engrave this moment to every 0801PM12 students FOREVER - ok, that's being too optimistic, well, at least everytime we read this post in our lifetime:)
What's the incident, you might ask.
Our dear Mr. Teoh *ahem*cranky*ahem* showed us our LAN grades so far during class.
we share our LAN lectures with four or five other classes. For a class that have four guys only (23 girls), you could assume that we would be the top class - GIRL POWER ;) . Well.... *speechless* just read on to find out more.
Everything went just fine, until it was PM12's turn.
Eh, why is one WHOLE column for the marks from the latest assignment missing?
The curious *ahem*cranky*ahem* lecturer went to investigate further.
What'd you know??
Hopefully, in 5 years, we will laugh our heads off.
Which I am very very very sure we will :D haha...
No matter what, I still love everyone of you! *starts singing that irritating Barney song*
Hey class, miss me yet?
Well, I certainly do miss you guys.
Thanesyah, the loudspeaker, what have you been up to?
Mirian, bring back some delicious kolo mee from Miri. Will be waiting for that mee~ (and you too). Haha...
Xin Yin, say want to come before holidays start? Hehe.. Guess not? Bring back some salted chicken for your starving class (I'm sure we won't mind starving a day for it~!)
Edison, so how did the meeting go? Ooi, Ann and I wanted to go for last Thursday's meeting, but NO ONE was there! We wanted to surprise you guys. Ish... Mana tau, surprise ourselves only.
Li Ying, crazy mad woman~! Did you friends say you became even crazier? Not surprised. See people, this is what PM12 does to you...
Paul & Sue Jinn (yes, they always come in a set. Haha... JK), what have you two lovebirds been up to? Are you going to surprise us with an announcement? *winks*
All the PM12 PJ KL folks, you people aaaarrrggghhh... Didn't even see a single one of you eventhough we stay around here *sniff sniff*. Hahah, well, you all better come back to class in one piece on Tuesday.
Sorry I can't exactly send a shout out to everyone. Too many of us larh~!
P/S: If you have not started/finished your assignments (what assignment?!), rest assured you are not the only one ;)