It's amazing what one's brain can think about during all sorts of wrong times! Like instead of focusing on bio or chem or whatever else my brain is supposed to focus on for the next paper, it just seems to hit me that, after our next paper, what next? Another paper? Okay, after that paper,
then what??
Then, nothing. It all comes to an end.
No more waking up at 6.30 in the mornings (I woke up on my own this morning at 6.30 cuz i heard my maid making noises around the house hahaha and thought to myself, OH of all crazy times to wake up. Then i realised, eh, isn't this the time i always used to get up at on college days? Honestly, some things you won't miss it til it's gone, as point above haha),
no more holding lab coats and waiting outside labs while talking about American Idol (you know who you are hahaha),
no more walking into class and seeing familiar faces,
no more lunches and staring at each other going "eh u choose where to go for lunch lah" cuz we're all undecided hahah. And of course,
LEFT 4 DEAD!! Who would have thought the CC would turn out to be our 2nd classroom?
Ah, a year and a half. Seems like only such a short time ago i was checking for my name on the white board in front of the MPH anxiously with Sam and hoping we weren't separated. I mean, econs and sciences!? How many classes would there be? "
Eh what class u in faster tell me!" "
Sorry lah i can't see my name, people in front blocking me XD" "
oh wait wait, PM12!" "
Loo Ann Shien.... PM12 also!!!" AHAHAHAHA. Who knew 3 months later, Sue Wei would tell us, "I'm joining your class too!!
We can rule the class! (Just joking XD)"
Then there was the ice breakers, meeting our lecturers, getting to know one another and growing comfortable in class as people who see each other everyday for so long always do.
I admit, as Sam said, I too probably entered comfort zone too quickly and started to tune myself a bit out to others. I suppose that would be my one minor regret. Hopefully, I've managed to be as good a friend and classmate to all of you as I could be and not been too much of a pain in the *ahem*.
But, through all the good the bad and the ugly, what's left in my mind are selective memories.
In a few days time, we'll not have a reason to ever see each other again, literally speaking. I hope that the things we've shared together for these past months as 0801PM12 will be the reason we continue on seeing each other even if we aren't PM12 anymore . Yes, it would be wishful thinking to believe all of us will stay in contact upon leaving Taylor's, but for me, the most important part would be that we'll always remember being a part of PM12 and not regretting it in any way. Perfect, we certainly aren't, but who's to say we oughta
regret flaws and imperfections?I for one have enjoyed this transition period between high school and uni, hopefully growing up and challenging myself more along the way.
To my cousins, dear ol' Sammie and Sue, thank you for you know, everything, and tolerating my OCCASIONAL surges of impatience. Yes sam, i hereby
officially apologize to you for snapping at you when you asked me an econs question hahahah. To Nat, for being as whacky as you are and yet sane as well and keeping me entertained throughout class. Mirian aka ching aka m***g, for naik-ing m***g with me and being the coolest person from the jungles I've ever met HAHAHAHA.
And of course, everyone else.
The boys, for keeping our oestrogen levels in class in check,
the girls for being chatty and bubbly, just that bit insane and everything that makes our class what it is.
All the best for our few remaining papers, though I sure am a bit pissed that the Econs papers are scheduled so late hahaha. Do post in our blog after the exams, am really excited to see what all of you have to say about graduating =)